Mastership in Ozone Therapy opened in Italy

Scritto il 10/06/2022

Unicusano (University of “Niccolò Cusano”, Telematics - Rome) has opened enrollments for the Level II Master in “Ozone therapy and the use of ozone in various areas”:


This is an innovative Mastership, the first internationally interdisciplinary program in medicine, veterinary medicine, agriculture, environment and sanitation.


Ozone is an enriched form of oxygen (O3), it is blue in high concentration.  It has a pungent odor. In space it protects us from ultraviolet radiation. On earth it is among the most effective remedies for breaking down viruses and bacteria. Its ability to release oxygen is astounding. Its effects on human tissues, flora and fauna are astounding.


Ozone therapy is extraordinary in the treatment of countless diseases that affect humans. There are great benefits in veterinary medicine where ozone therapy is used to treat horses, small animals, dogs and cats, but also pigs, cattle, sheep, and even in fish farming.


Ozone is a naturally occurring gas and is also generated by the human immune system; when used it does not cause allergic reactions or leave residues. It works fast, is easy to administer, and is also very economical.


In crop farming, oil and ozonated water are used to combat botrytis, downy mildew, powdery mildew, alternaria, and to repel parasites such as aphids, scale insects, nocturnes.


Field trials have shown that ozonated oil is able to counteract Xylella in olive trees and Kiwi die-off. Ozonated oil improves the quality and defense of hazelnuts, vines and tobacco crops; it is effective in horticulture, fruit plants, nurseries and greenhouses; it can counteract the bacteriosis of apples and pears, and attacks on lemon plants.


Excellent results employing ozone in the sanitization of air, water, food industry, clinics, surgical rooms, and all types of closed environments are well recognized.


The program will raise awareness of the “ozone revolution” and to prepare the professionals and workers who will use ozone in the following sectors:

- “Doctor”

- “Veterinary and breeding, including fish”

- “Agricultural”

- “Environmental and hygienic sanitation of air, water and the food industry”


The Mastership promotes the study and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of action of ozone, both in the medical and veterinary field and in the various other areas.


Tools for clinical practice:


In addition, the Master will provide analytical and operational tools also in the field of clinical practice and concrete operations.


At the end of the Mastership, professionals will be able to practice ozone therapy and use ozone products in their daily work, taking advantage of the benefits in terms of health of the person, flora, fauna, the environment, and also in terms of sustainability and economic savings.


Ozone therapy and the use of ozonated products respond optimally to the achievement of the objectives indicated by the UN 2020-2030 agenda for sustainable development, and to the European “Next Generation” program regarding the protection of the Earth and peoples from the point of view in view of social equality, the fight against poverty and hunger.


For any information and registration in the Level II Master in “Ozone therapy and use of ozone in various areas”:



Via Don Carlo Gnocchi, 3

00166 - Rome

Tel. 06.4567.8350

Fax 06.4567.8379

Toll-free number for registration request information only: 800.98.73.73

Certified e-mail:

To register:


Antonio Gaspari

Director Orbisphera